
Forget Excel and switch to a powerful stock management software!

2 min de lecture

But why switch to stock management software?

If your only inventory management tool is Excel, you have already had to encounter difficulties during your inventories or simply during certain actions in your warehouse. Excel from the Industry 3.0 era, with the automated implementation of processes to simplify and enable companies to evolve and perform better. This period is now over and is being overtaken by software or specialized management applications. Not to mention the arrival of artificial intelligence and big data.

This is why Wiilog offers you the best stock management solution with its intuitive, ergonomic and adjustable application. Equipping yourself with a software will be the best decision to optimize your performance and your business management.

The inventory management solution proposed by Wiilog will offer you a complete service to meet your needs. Its functionalities are much more advanced than a simple Excel document, Wiilog will be a great help and will bring an important added value to your company. This is done through simple service requests directly from the application, each action can be traced and the information will be distributed to each person who needs it. Let’s take for example a line side replenishment, thanks to Wiilog you will just have to make a replenishment request, this task will be assigned to one of your field agents, the replenishment will be simple and efficient! Our application is an easy to use tool, which allows you to have a vision on your stored products in real time. Your customers place an order with you, thanks to your software, in one click find out if this good is available and/or send on your production line.

Wiilog, an added value

All your warehouse data is stored on a secure cloud, even in offline mode.

So save time with Wiilog, the application will help you every day. You can forget about Excel workbooks to the end, make room for the application Wiilog, the application of the future.

Now that you know everything about our stock management solution, don’t hesitate to ask us about our delivery and tracking solution. Or discover the testimony of an industrial company already equipped with our innovative solution.

Mise à jour le Tuesday 20 December 2022

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